cover image The NCF Guideto

and Fandom

Fourth Edition
Edited by Robert Runté



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Monica Hughes.
A popular children's author, Monica Hughes is Canada's foremost writer of sf juveniles, including: Beckoning Lights; Beyond the Dark River; Crisis on Conshelf Ten; Devil on My Back; Dream Catcher; Earthdark; The Guardian of Isis; The Keeper of the Isis Light; The Isis Pedlar; Ring Rise, Ring Set; Sandwriter; Space Trap; and The Tomorrow City. The Isis series and Ring Rise are particularly good, with more depth and subtlety than usually found in books written for teens. Hughes was born in Liverpool, England and lived in Egypt, Scotland and Rhodesia before moving to Canada in 1952. She won the Canada Council's Children's Literature Prize two years running. In 1988 she was appointed the Edmonton Public Library's first writer in residence. She received the Writers Guild of Alberta R. Ross Annett Award in 1993, 1987, 1984, 1983; Children's Book Centre Award for The Crystal Drop; Book Lion - Belgium, 1987; Alberta Achievement Award for Excellence, 1986; Vicky Metcalfe Award, 1983 & 1981. International Board of Books for Young People -Certificate of Honour, 1982. Canada Council Children's Literature Award, 1982 & 1981. Alberta Culture Young Adult Novel Award, 1981.

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