Upcoming Events & Announcements
- Candas Jane Dorsey's latest book, Vanilla and other stories, is coming out fron NuWest Press this week. Official launches are: Tuesday, June 6th, Women in Print, 7:30 PM-9:00 PM, 3566 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, ( 732-4128) and Friday, June 9th, Orlando Books, 7:30 PM-9:00 PM,10123 Whyte Avenue Edmonton
432-7633; and
Saturday, June 17th,
Sentry Box,
1:00 PM-3:00 PM,
1835-10th Avenue SW,
- The1999 Final Nebula Ballot
(The Nebula Awards are chosen by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America and will be presented May 19-21, 2000 in New York)Note: The one Canadian entry for this year has been highlighted
MacLeod, Ken: The Cassini Division (Tor, Jul99)
Martin, George R.R. : A Clash of Kings (Bantam hb, Feb99)
Vinge, Vernor: A Deepness in the Sky (Tor hb, Feb99; Tor pb, Jan00)
McHugh, Maureen F.: Mission Child (Avon Eos hb, Dec98; Eos pb, Nov99)
Stewart, Sean: Mockingbird (Ace hb, Aug98; Ace pb, Mar00)
Butler, Octavia E.: Parable of the Talents (Seven Stories Press,
Nov98; Warner Books, Jan00)
Castro, Adam-Troy and Oltion, Jerry: The Astronaut From Wyoming
(Analog, Aug99 )
Duncan, Andy: The Executioners' Guild (Asimov's, Aug99)
Duchamp, L. Timmel: Living Trust (Asimov's, Feb99)
Burstein, Michael A.: Reality Check (Analog, Nov99)
Chiang, Ted: Story of Your Life (Starlight 2, Patrick Nielsen Hayden,
Ed., Tor hb, Nov98; Tor pb, Sep99)
Marusek, David: The Wedding Album (Asimov's, Jun99)
Hopkins, Brian A.: Five Days in April (Chiaroscuro Webzine, Jul99)
McDevitt, Jack & Schmidt, Stanley: Good Intentions (F&sf, Jun98)
Friesner, Esther M.: How to Make Unicorn Pie (F&sf, Jan99)
Eisenstein, Phyllis: The Island in the Lake (F&sf, Dec98)
Turzillo, Mary A.: Mars is No Place for Children (sf Age, May99)
Sterling, Bruce: Taklamakan (Asimov's, Nov98 )
Short Stories
Swanwick, Michael: Ancient Engines (Asimov's, Feb99)
Sherwood, Frances: Basil the Dog (Atlantic Monthly, Sep99)
What, Leslie: The Cost of Doing Business (Amazing Stories, Kim Mohan,
Ed., WotC, Feb99 )
Rogers, Bruce Holland: The Dead Boy at Your Window (The North American
Review, Dec98 )
Ash, Constance: Flower Kiss (Realms of Fantasy, Aug98)
Swanwick, Michael: Radiant Doors (Asimov's, Sep98)
Avrech, Robert J.: The Devil's Arithmetic (Showtime Television,
28Mar99; Based on the novel The Devil's Arithmetic by Jane Yolen)
Bird, Brad and McCanlies, Tim: The Iron Giant (Warner Bros., Aug99;
based on the book The Iron Man by Ted Hughes)
Wachowski, Larry & Andy: The Matrix (Warner Bros., Mar99)
Shyamalan, M. Night: The Sixth Sense (Hollywood Pictures, Aug99)
Millerman, John: The Uranus Experiment: Part 2 (Private Black Label,
Jun99 )[-- from Derryl Murphy]
- De: ae556@freenet.carleton.ca (Christian Sauve)
En tant que membre du comite des prix Aurora 2000, je suis fier d'annoncer
que la remise des prix cette annee aura lieu dans le cadre du congres
Toronto Trek 2000 (TT2000), le 14-16 juillet 2000, a Toronto.
Plus de details au http://www.icomm.ca/tcon/tt14/index.shtml
La saison des nominations aux prix Aurora est ouverte! Vous pouvez
telecharger le formulaire de nomination au site officiel des Prix Aurora:
http://www.sentex.net/~dmullin/aurora/ Dix categories, cinq nominations
possible dans chaque categorie. Que les meilleurs soient retenus!
Si, justement, vous ne savez pas trop qui est eligible aux prix cette
annee, vous pouvez consulter la liste d'eligibilite disponible au
http://www.sentex.net/~dmullin/aurora/list2000.html Bien que la liste
n'est pas encore complete, le pendant francophone de la liste y est bien
fourni, grace aux efforts exceptionnels de Claude Janelle et (dans une
bien moindre partie) de votre correspondant.
Si jamais vous reperez des erreurs dans cette liste d'eligibilite (votre
nom ne s'y trouve pas ou est mal ecrit, des oeuvres eligibles ne sont pas
mentionees, d'autres n'y ont pas leur place, etc...), veuillez m'en faire part
immediatement pour que je puisse les corriger. La liste annuelle
d'eligibilite aux prix Aurora est ce qui se rapproche le plus d'une
bibliographie complete de la sf canadienne, d'ou l'importance d'en assurer
Je vous encourage donc d'aller jetter un coup d'oeil sur la liste et de me
faire part de vos commentaires.
A la prochaine,
Christian Sauve ae556@freenet.carleton.ca
Rockland, Ontario <*> Truth before beauty <*>
BioInfo, Writings, Reviews: http://members.xoom.com/slorz/
Author and Book news
The lastest issue of On Spec Magazine (Volume 12, Number 1, #40, Spring 2000) is in stores now. It is a theme issue on "FUTURE CRIME".
"Sonny Boy" -- Steve Mohn
Family is everything, but Blake Garnet is having trouble
opening his heart to this new-found sonS
"A Slope So Slippery" -- Keith Scott
Once you start sliding, how do you stop?
"The Echo of Bones" -- Rebecca M. Senese
No bone had ever held its secret from Natalie before. Why
was this one so different?
"Corrective Surgery" -- J.S. Lyster
He wanted to call out his ex's name ... but he couldn't
remember it. Humane therapy for an obsession, or mental cruelty?
"Squat" -- Donna McMahon
Technology may change, but an age-old problem remains- What
happens when an innocent man is convicted ... and nobody cares?
"Sonata in Weapons" -- Linda J. Dunn
Some cadets would do anything to advance a chair in the
orchestra. But did one kill for it?
"Alien Intents" -- Marianne O. Nielsen
All kinds of conditions precipitate homicide, but when you
have two different species involved, and a third trying to solve the
crime, "Why dunnit?" becomes the key question.
"Nor Iron Bars a Cage" -- Leslie Brown
Her punishment was a thousand years of solitude. Finding out
she had company was not the reprieve she thought it would be.
NONFICTION: "Future crime" -- Marianne O. Nielsen
Frontispiece: "Alien Intents" -- Peter Watts
COVER by James Beveridge:
"I do gotz a Rolex. It's a cozy little Class M homeworld in the
Specularus Oneria Cluster. It's got no moons but I can set yaz up wit
one as a package deal. Cheap, like downtown, ya wan' it?" the sly
little alien intoned to me as the noxious drip from the puffalox on
his cheek dangled, refusing to fall.
For more info on On Spec go to www.icomm.ca/onspec
Canadian author Cory Doctorow has a new story, "Visit the Sins" in the current Asimov's Magazine (April 2000)
An American webzine edited by Maryanne Mohanraj has bought and posted a
story by Canadian sf author Ursula Pflug, enititled, "Sewing Forgetfulness."
Award-winning Canadian sf author Nalo Hopkinson's second novel, Midnight Robber, was given two launches in Toronto in late March by the black bookstore A Different Booklist and by Bakka Science Fiction Books, HB Fenn Distributors and the Friends of the Merril Collection at the Merril Collection of the Lillian H. Smith Library,