
Angry Robot Major British SF imprint (distributed by Random House) but is open to unsolicited manuscripts each March (but usually only one genre or theme per year).
Bundoran Press Successful small Canadian press with excellent track record, Hayden Trenholm senior editor and publisher.
CZP (ChiZine Press)
Publisher of weird, surreal, subtle, and disturbing dark literary fiction hand-picked by Brett Savory and Sandra Kasturi. Single-handedly breathed new life into the horror genre.
Five Rivers Publishing Small press publishing SF, Canadian Literature, and non-fiction. Slogan: "Publishing Canadian Voices". (I am the senior acquisition editor with Five Rivers, Lorina Stephens Publisher.)
Dragon Moom Press Canadian publisher specializing in fantasy.
Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy (includes Tesseract Books imprint). Oldest of Canadian SF presses, Brian Hades publisher.
PS Publishing Independent British SF, Fantasy and Crime publisher.
Tyche Publishing Another small Calgary-based SF publisher, lots of energy.
For a complete list of Canadian SF Publishers, see SF Canada's Canadian Markets for Speculative Fiction.
Tips for Writers
Turkey City Lexicon A primer for avoiding the problems which typically plague SF manuscripts.
Grammar Man Oriented to undergraduate essays, provides good basic grammar advice.
Grammar Girl Daily blog on grammar questions and issues.
Services for Self-Publishers
Book Designers
Quadrat Communications Best freelance book designer in Canada, but correspondingly expensive. For when you want the best, excellent value for the money.
Other Reputable SF Development Editors
(alphabetical order)
Colleen Anderson has over 15 years experience editing fiction, working for Byron Preiss (Tor, Bantam), Scholastic, Raincoast Books and others. She is past senior fantasy editor for Aberrant Dreams, assistant poetry editor for Chizine and a slush editor for ChiZine Publications. She will critique or edit fiction of any length. Her blog is www.colleenanderson.wordpress.com and her email is naiad@telus.net
Candas Jane Dorsey is an internationally known writer and co-founder of the Grammar Police. She takes on select editing projects (all genres) at industry rates and is kindly, fair—and merciless in her insistence on high standards. Believes in the proverb: "There's no use asking the gods to help you run if you aren't prepared to run fast." E-mail her at
Barb Geiger is the author of ten published novels and a freelance fiction editor. Robert J. Sawyer says "Barb Geiger is a brilliant writer and a brilliant editor. She sees precisely what's wrong with a piece of writing and knows exactly how to fix it. Her experience is wide and varied, and she's a joy to work with. I recommend her highly."
Matt Hughes is a professional author, editor, and ghostwriter with over fourteen published novels. He has won the Crime Writers of Canada's Arthur Ellis Award, and has been shortlisted for the Nebula, Aurora, Derringer and Philip K. Dick Awards. He will critique book-length sf and suspense fiction, providing an evaluation of strengths and weaknesses, with suggestions for improving a manuscript's publishability. His web page is
http://www.archonate.com and his email address is himself@archonate.com Sandra Kasturi The co-editor and co-publisher behind ChiZine Publications' unparalleled success, she also does freelance developmental editing.
Story Perfect Editing provides proofreading and copyediting services.
See also "Hire an Editor" page of Canadian Editors Association for general editors and copy editors:

Other relevant Sites by Dr. Runté
SF Reviews
NCF Guide To Canadian SF (2003 edition, so pretty dated by now)
Interviews with Dr. Runté:
Mike Plested's Get Published podcast discusses experience of being edited by Dr. Runté
Totally Tesseracts Interview on Dr. Runté's fiction
One minute video excerpt of Dr. Runté teaching and researching at UofL.