Developmental Editing / Writing Coach

Robert Runté delivering Keynote Address
at WordBridge Writers Conference, April 2024.

Robert Runté, PhD

  • Senior Editor at EssentialEdits.ca

  • Retired Professor (University of Lethbridge)

  • for over 30 years, critic, reviewer, and promoter of Canadian speculative fiction

  • winner of three Aurora Awards

Got a Manuscript?

Whether self-publishing or submitting to a publisher, you owe it to your work to ensure that it is as good as it can be before you put it out there. Have your manuscript professionally appraised by an objective professional specializing in SF&F. As a developmental editor, Dr. Runté provides feedback that not only improves your current manuscript, but also your writing / process for subsequent projects.

Invest in your writing—invest in professional editing.

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Dr. Runté is a member of the following professional associations:

SF Canada

Calgary Association of Freelance Editors

Old Canadian SF Book Reviews by Robert Runté


This Page Last Updated: April, 2024.