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Straham also contributes a brief but extremely intelligent introduction. Unlike most editors who seem compelled to laboriously — and redundantly — explain how each story fits into the collection, Straham instead provides an insightful overview of the field as a whole. This state-of-the-genre report benefits from Straham's Australian perspective, providing a thought-provoking corrective to our usual American-centric assumptions. Straham also allows each author a half-page afterward, along with a half page biography, to contextualize each story; again in sharp contrast to those anthologies that utilize forewords, which too often contain ruinous spoilers. So, was there a theme that united this collection? Was The Starry Rift indeed the 1950s-style 'sense-of-wonder' SF I was looking for? There's an old joke that asks "What is the Golden Age of Science Fiction" to which the reply is supposed to be "13"; the implication being that SF is best when discovered at that age, regardless of the actual period in which it was written. In that sense, then, this is indeed Golden Age SF. All but three of the stories feature protagonists aged 13-17. Identifying with these youthful protagonists made me feel 13 again. Reading this anthology, it is impossible not to reminisce about one's own discovery of SF, thus providing an extra layer of nostalgia on top of the stories' own build-in sense of wonder. I am not convinced that Straham set out to solicit stories of young heroes, but that's what he got, and it makes for an extremely successful themed anthology. Indeed, I wanted to find a 13 year old to read these to. But whatever the reader's age, this anthology is a sure bet. © 2009 Robert Runté Reprinted with permission from NeoOpsis Magazine, #19 (Winter, 2009) p. 70. Last Updated, August, 2010 |